This is the start of your Fluidity experience! On this page is all you need to book your session with our centralised booking widget and timetable.
Using the timetable below you can see what days and times our different activities take place.
Then , with the booking app underneath you select the relevant date/day.Sessions are presented in different categories - Classes, Open Sessions, Holidays and more! There is a mobile friendly link or the widget.
Choose appropriate tickets , then go
through the checkout procedure with your
details and payment.
(You can also redeem vouchers
and memberships codes here)
You will be asked to fill out an information Waiver for yourself, and any minors (under 16s) as well as H&S questions for the participants, we will include more session information on your confirmation,and links to info packs/FAQs.
5 - LETS GO!
That's it! Get on down and lets have some fun with movement.
If you require more information , check the relevant
pages for each activity , or drop us an email!
HOL CAMPS : Mon - Fri /12pm-4pm
NERF WARS : 2nd June
OPEN SESSIONS : 11am - Close Weekdays
2pm - Close Weekends.
This is our weekly term timetable. CLASSES are highlighted in Green and OPEN SESSIONS are in Purple.
Use this as a guide whilst using the booking widget to select the class/session you
would like to come to on the relevant day of the week.
Q.What is parkour/freerunning?Parkour, also known as Freerunning, or "art du deplacement" is an urban activity, that started in the suburbs of France. It is a training method based on the principles of using your body in an environment, to get from A-B efficiently and effectively. The concept behind the training practise was to be strong and to be useful in all situations , and able to adapt to different environments. We use skills such as climbing, traversing, vaulting, jumping and swinging as fundamentals, and over the years lots of different practises such as acrobatics and more creative movements have come into the sport. Nowadays the practise is a big mix bag of different urban arts , with activities like buildering, tricking, breakdance being thrown in to create a very expressive activity.
Q: Is Parkour/Freerunning safe?A: Like every sport there is an element of risk. Parkour/ freerunning helps an individual understand and manage risk in a way that lessens it from occurring. Through the practice of Parkour we develop awareness of our capabilities and the environment. Our parkour area is purposely set in a way that gives the practitioner a real feel experience and equipment that allows for progression.
Q. Can anyone take part? Do you need experience?A. Parkour/freerunning is an activity that develops our fitness and strength through challenges. Along with the development of skills and techniques our level of fitness follows. If you do have any medical or health condition it would be advised that you check with your GP before participating and notify staff on arrival.
Q: Whats on offer?A: We have a wide range of classes and session throughout the week. Starting from the age of 4 years old with our Little Ninja’s class, all the way through to Adult Sessions we can accommodate all ages and abilities. For more information on our timetable, please visit the website here: https://www.fluidityfreerunacademy.co.uk/booking
Q: Whats the difference between Structured Classes and Open Sessions?A: An open session is the term we used for our supervised free play sessions. These are where you come in and use the facility and equipment without coaching. Kids from 7+ are fine to come on without a supervising adult. Sessions generally run for 1 or 2 hours during specific times. Classes are sessions that are delivered by a qualified coach, with structured content , goals and tuition for the session. Please refer to the information on the pages and sessions for more.
Q: Can I just turn up?A: No, not always. Sometimes it may be quiet and this won’t be the end of the world but generally we ask customers to book online before arrival. This helps us keep our capacity and ratios correct, while preventing disappointment in turning away customers.
Q: How do I book?A: Go through to the website, click the ‘Bookings / Timetable’ menu. Scroll down to the widget below the timetable, select the date required, then the class, go through to payment.
Q: How do we join onto classes and courses?Enter your answer here
Q. What to wear?A. It is best to wear comfortable active clothes that you can freely move around in, that doesn't restrict flexibility and movement. Would be wise to remove jewelry before taking part and wear sensible flat trainers
Q: Do I have to sign a waiver before I turn up?A: Yes, all participants must have a waiver signed before use of the facility. This can be found on our website home page.
Q: What’s the minimum age?A: The minimum age to participate is 4 years old. Kids under 7 need to be supervised by an adult/guardian who is over 16 years of age. "Little Ninjas" is a class for ages 4-6.
Q: What food/drink facilities do you have in the Academy?A: We have a fresh coffee machine, a selection of snacks (crisps, flapjacks, chocolates etc) and fridges full of soft drinks and water. This is all available in our reception/viewing area, along with tables ,chairs , sofas and more for chilling comfortably.
Q: Can parents stay and watch?A: Yes, we have a spacious Front of House area with tables and chairs, sofas and benches. In the winter it can be cold, so bring a coat. We do have heaters and blankets for customers to help with this.
Q: How do I book a birthday party?A: Head over to our Birthday Party page on the website, browse the dates you’re interested in and see what’s available. If you can’t see anything that works for you, or would like help. Please fill out the Party Form at the bottom of the party page. One of our management team will be in touch generally within 48h. Please look out for calls between 12-5pm Mon-Fri. Full details on the packages are on the page a long with an information pack you can view.
Q: Do you have to have a membership?A: No, but it helps…. We do offer drop in sessions and PAYG classes, but memberships do give you a whole lot more for your buck. With added perks and extra open sessions/classes with huge savings if you come reguarly! Details on these can be found on our members/class packs page.
Q: What qualifications do coaches/staff have?Here at Fluidity, we are affiliated with our National Governing Body ParkourUK. Our coaches are qualified through 1st4Sport's "Parkour/Freerunning" qualification. This is the official qualification for our sport here in the UK . Assistant coaches hold "Level 1" , and our lead coaches hold "Level 2". Personal Trainers , external coaches and Volunteers hold other certifications linked to their sport/activity. We also hold different levels of First Aid for Work, and Coaching First Aid qualifications , such as "Level 3 in First Aid for Work". We recommend reading up on the coaching levels here on - https://parkour.uk/qualifications/
Q: What clothing is suitable for activities at Fluidity?Generally we recommend common sense rule for what to wear here at Fluidity. The sport is famous for needing nothing more than a pair of trainers too take part in. You do not need to buy any fancy "grip" socks or trainers from us either. Footwear - Here at Fluidity, we would say to wear decent footwear (this excludes crocs, steel toe boots, stiletos , flip flops and anything else that sounds daft to wear freerunning.) Any general sports trainers are good for this. You can go barefoot on some of the apparatus, but bring shoes. Clothing - You want clothing that is breathable , as we don't want you wripping your favourite expensive jeans. For this , we recommend shorts/joggers , shirt/vest and if its chilly, a hoody/jumper. You will warm up, so its good to have the option to cool off (or get warmer in the winter months) We will use this moment to recommend our "Fluidity T-shirts" , as they definitely help you look cooler whilst you practise. Jewellry/Accessories - We all like to look cool, but you should appreciate that for safety (and for the safety of your belongings) , it is best to remove any accessories that may break, be lost or restrict movement. We aren't going to spend hours fishing your Rolex out of the foam pit , or pay for the repair!
Q: How is it different to Gymnastics?Through the years, Parkour/Freerunning has been compared to Gymnastics greatly , and we as a community worldwide are working hard to dispel this incorrect comparison. In recent years, "Freestyle Gymnastics" or "FreeG" has come into being, to try and cater to a more "urban" market. As a result , there are plenty of problems with customers being falsely sold parkour classes by Gymnastic centers and coaches. We advise you look for the PKUK club mark, and 1st4Sport Parkour qualifications wherever you go. Although some techniques used in Parkour (especially the more acrobatic side) , are similar to those seen in Gymnastics, its important to note that the methodology, discipline and mental aspects are incredibly different. Parkour is an outdoor activitiy, with self development (physically and mentally) being its primary "goal" . It is generally non-competitive and communal. Respect is a fundamental part of Parkour. Respect for yourself, your environment , and those that are around you (public or practitioners). Gymnastics is generally geared towards performance and winning medals , with training geared at making athletes that accomplish these goals. We could talk on about this topic, but here is great article by our friends at Train Hard!
Q: What’s involved?A: We have many different party options as outlined in the above information - Once everyone has arrived and signed in, we deliver a safety brief and then the party begins - We aim for food about half way through, allowing time either side for the activities.
Q: What’s the difference between the Open Session party and a coached party?A: Open session is an uncoached session, where after the safety brief the participants have time to explore, play and use the facilities. A coached party will have a member of staff taking the kids through games, challenges and activities during the first half, before the break for food. After that the kids go back on for some open session time in their remaining time.
Q: What do I need to bring?A: You are welcome to self cater (no hot food/ exterior takeaways) , bring banners, table clothes, balloons cake etc . If taking our no hassle food package, we will provide plates , cups , unlimited squash and water jugs.
Q: Can parents stay / Do they need to?A: Yes parents are welcome to stay, though if children are over 7 you do not have too. Close contact supervision for ages 4-6 during free play section will require you to stay on site.
Q: Can siblings join in?A: Yes of course, you can either add them on to the party via front desk, or put them on an open session if they are not wanting to take part (with the approval of the party host). Under 4’s aren’t technically supposed to participate, but if it’s quiet/ you have the exclusive slot, we don’t mind them playing on the side as long as there is an adult with them at all times.
Q: How much deposit do you need? When do I pay the final balance?A: When booking through our online widget, a £50 deposit is taken to secure the booking. If a party is booked through us another way, an invoice for a BACs transfer will be sent to confirm your party. We take the final payment during the party, and we charge for the amount that have turn up (including add ons like Pizza, slush deals, coffee tabs etc) - We have to take payment for the minimum number of participants for that party slot if there are drop outs and the numbers are under the slots requirements.
Q: When do you need final numbers and confirmation for food?A: When booking we need an idea of the estimated numbers. There a minimum numbers required for specific slots (i.e 20 for exclusive use on a weekend) - let us know any updates as soon as you have them - This can affect our staff rota and also the capacity of the booking system. Food is ordered after all participants are present, so you can decide on the day if you change your mind and want the food package, or would like to order more, or less. The minimum number of pizza we can order for a party is 10.
Q: What facilities do you have for the parents?A: There are snacks, cold drinks and a coffee machine with tea available. The coffee machine takes coins, but we can set up a tab for parents or exchange coins from card payments/notes. Plenty of sofas and tables will be free and the party will be viewable from the reception area.
Q: When do we turn up?A: You can arrive around 10-15 minutes before your session, though we advise you to make sure the waiver link has been sent out to parents beforehand and arrive 5 minutes before your session. We will often be going back-to-back with bookings, so bear with us while we get your table cleaned up and sorted, try not to arrive too early (or too late).
Q: Where can I find the waiver link?A: After booking, your confirmation email will contain a unique link for you to send out with your invites, this links each participant to your booking and speeds up the check in process! Otherwise it’s on the header of our website.
Q: What’s included with the pizza option?A: A mix of Dominos Pizza, sides and unlimited squash/water. Cups and plates are provided in the cost of £4.50pp on the booking (we have to have 10 participants min for a food order). We can cater for Vegans/ Veggies as well as Gluten free. Please refer to the allergens document here if you’re concerned about allergies.
Q: My date isn’t available?A: Please fill out the Party Enquiry Form at the bottom of the party page and one of our management team will be in touch asap.
Q: What do the kids need to wear?A: Clean and comfortable clothing. Shoes are required, we recommend trainers. (Participants wearing unsuitable shoes could be denied access to the facility for safety reasons).